Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Darcs News #114

News and discussions

  1. Since the first release of Darcs 2.12, we released a few minor versions, the latest being 2.12.5 on January:
  2. Ben Franksen and Gian Piero Carrubba performed some refactorings about Darcs (zsh) autocompletion:
  3. As for Darcsden, the backend of http://hub.darcs.net, progress has been made on modernizing the ssh server used by it:

Issues resolved (7)

issue2138 Guillaume Hoffmann
issue2496 Ben Franksen
issue2498 Ganesh Sittampalam
issue2504 Ben Franksen
issue2512 Stephan-A. Posselt
issue2516 Ben Franksen
issue2526 Ben Franksen

Patches applied (196)

See darcs wiki entry for details.
