Sunday, April 26, 2009

darcs weekly news #27

News and discussions

1. Darcs Sprint #2 has ended. Eric Kow wrote a report of these three days of darcs love:
2. Petr Ročkai's project about optimising darcs has been accepted for Haskell GSoC:
3. Lele Gaifax announced that the next version of his darcs plugin for trac will handle multiple repositories for a given project:
4. Rob Hoelz kept us informed about his progress on hunk editing:

Issues resolved in the last week (6)

issue1186 Dmitry Kurochkin
issue1430 Dmitry Kurochkin
issue1432 Trent W. Buck
issue1434 Trent W. Buck
issue1437 Eric Kow
issue1446 Dmitry Kurochkin

Patches applied in the last week (47)

See text entry for details.

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